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Prayer For Change

WE are products of past answered prayers

kneeling in the dirt praying for a miracle

John was a slave on a cotton plantation in the deep South. Every day he worked from sun up to sun down in the hot sun picking cotton. Despite the grueling work and the harsh conditions, John never lost faith in God. Every evening, as he made his way back to his small cabin, he would take a moment to stop and pray

John would kneel in the dirt, with the sun setting behind him, and thank God for the blessings in his life. He thanked God for his family and friends, for the food he was able to eat, and for the strength to keep going.

He thanked GOD

He thanked God for protecting him from the overseer's whip and for giving him the strength to keep working even when his body was so tired and sore. But every night, John would also pray for a miracle.

He prayed for freedom, for an end to slavery, and for a better life for himself and his people. He prayed for a day where he could live a life of dignity and respect, where he could be free to make his own choices and pursue his own dreams.

Prayers answered One Day

John understood that even if the miracle did not happen in his lifetime that his prayers one day, would be answered.

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